by Lauren Jackson | May 19, 2023 | Estate Planning, Revocable living trust, Trusts
Let’s be honest, estate planning can be complicated. So many major decisions must be made and so many documents should be completed. The thing about estate planning is that each individual or family’s estate plan can be designed to fit their needs. No two estate...
by Lauren Jackson | Mar 17, 2023 | Estate Planning, Trustee, Trusts
If you have a revocable living trust in place for yourself, you can generally amend your trust at any time, including the trustee. However, amendments must be properly executed based on state law and in accordance with the terms of the trust. Alternatively, if you...
by Lauren Jackson | Mar 7, 2023 | Elgin, Quit claim deed, Real Estate, Transfer on death instrument
In 2012 the Illinois Residential Real Property Transfer on Death Instrument Act became Illinois law. This act authorized the use of a new deed called the Transfer on Death Instrument (“TODI”). This new tool allows the transfer of residential real estate outside of...
by Lauren Jackson | Feb 6, 2023 | Attorney, Estate Planning, Lawyer, Small Business, Succession Planning
Being a small business owner myself, I truly understand the positives and negatives of running your own small business. There is always work that needs to be done and often not enough hours in the day to accomplish them. Once your business has been established and has...
by Lauren Jackson | Feb 6, 2023 | Estate Planning, Revocable living trust, Trusts
You have a revocable trust drafted, signed, and notarized. I bet you think your assets are covered; however, your work is not done yet. Completing your trust is only part one. Part two is your homework. Now, you must transfer your assets into the trust, one by one....
by Lauren Jackson | Jan 20, 2023 | Estate Planning, financial advisor
When thinking about estate planning, you may not realize how much a financial advisor can be involved in the process. Many financial advisors will not take you on as a client if you do not have your estate planning complete. Why would financial advisors turn down...